periwinkle items to wear for the maid of the brides

"Whatever environmental situation it is that zapped you..."

Those are the only words I can remember from my oncologist. I don't really understand cancer or how it works. Now I have an itchy raised spot on my back. I was thinking, "how can cancer cells keep growing thru chemotherapy? It's impossible. It's probably nothing."

Then I learn that my friend's mom was on the chemo pill for breast cancer. Well, she was just diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer...while taking that pill. ... Wth. I am trying so hard to stay positive.

You can delete me for complaining if you want to. My shoulder hurts all the time from a device that was installed to help save my life. I have 20+ hot flashes each day. How can I stop eating wheat when two other people in my house have it in the fridge and cabinets? It's damn near impossible for me because I love food so much. It's so hard to stay strong when I have temptation shoved in my face. But how can I take wheat away from them? Wheat bloats my belly to 4 times the size it should be which makes me look 6 months pregnant. Wheat makes it hard to breath. It makes me itchy. What is in our food? I feel horrible after I eat rice and potatoes. My diet options are getting pretty limited here. periwinkle items to wear for the maid of the brides

I'm going to bed. I'm going to try to forget this stupid day.

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