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In case you haven't figured it out, I'm a big animal advocate. I like all kinds of animals, but those little raccoon hands really freak me out; they look like hairy little human hands. I'm also big into the essential oils, obviously, and these two can go together just fine as long as you know the rules. Personally, I haven't felt the need to subject my chickens to aromatherapy, but my dogs and cats are another story. Dress Affordable wedding wears for busty women
Essential oils can calm your doggy during stressful time ... s like vet visits, his first time alone, and that sort of thing, but they can also relieve itching, repel fleas, keep Fido off the furniture, and maybe even stop him from dragging his ass along the rug, but who wants to stop that? It's hilarious to watch, as long as it's someone else's rug. That look of complete bliss on their faces is just the best look in the world.
Seriously though, if your dog does indulge in a solo ass race across the rug, google "empty a dog's anal glands"; no oil on Earth will help with that. Gross.... I just watched that video again, sorry....
Anyway, there are literally tons of pages regarding essential oils and your pets, but pay particularly close attention to the ones concerning cats. Many oils that are good for dogs are very harmful to cats, sometimes deadly. Read up on it before you attempt it. Cats are pretentious anyway, so you should assume that they have some kind of a problem with anything. Ever.
If you've read up until now and you're still willing to go through with annoying your cat with human kindness and actually try to help him cope with whatever problem he has (aside from the bad habit of clearing everything off your dresser in one fluid motion), here is a PARTIAL list of oils that are dangerous or fatal to cats:
Peppermint, Lavender, Melaleuca, Lemon, Thyme, Birch, Tea Tree, Cinnamon Bark, and Wintergreen.
Some oils that are okay are:
Cedarwood, Frankincense, Geranium, Helichrysum, and Lavender.
Just keep this in mind -
Cats are just SOOO fickle. Use a 50/1 mix with essential oils instead of your usual 10/1 for dogs. That's fifty drops of carrier oil to one drop of essential oil, my CYA statement for this post.
The oils absolutely have to HAVE TO be therapeutic grade.
Just coat your hands with the oil mixture and pet your cat as you repeatedly apologize for putting him through this torture.
Store your cat in a dark, quiet place until he is no longer pissed at you. You may want to throw some of his favorite treats at him until he decides to forgive you.

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